Thursday, October 19, 2017

Even Worse Wednesday

Well, just when you think things can't get worse they do.  The repair guy comes right on time.  Yay!!  Things are looking up.
I busy myself upstairs anxiously awaiting the fix.  After about 45 minutes Marty comes up and says "bad news"  Apparently the machine's entire electrical control panel was shot and needed to be replaced.  Normally this would be a financial concern as well but since we are renting it isn't.  But because we are renting we also don't have the luxury of making our own decisions about when or if the machine will be repaired or replaced. 
So now I have one load of wet soap (heavy) clothes about about 5 additional loads.  And our "thing" is still happening on Thursday where we all need clean clothes for FOUR full days.  So, yeah, I'm a bit stressed and a bit pissed and a lot determined.  Heck, I can just go to a laundromat, right?  People do that all the time.  So, in half tears and half sheer determination I pack up all the clothes.  If I'm going to a laundromat I'm getting it all done at the same time.  The wet clothes are exceptionally heavy.  I have 2 huge bags. 
On the way out Marty and I start to get into a huge fight.  He can't understand why the laundry can't just wait awhile.  Why do we need clean clothes for this "thing"  We can figure it out later, he says.  Did I mention that this "thing" will be Thursday through Sunday and keep us busy and away from the house for 12 hours a day.  There isn't really another time to figure this out than right now. And really when you find out what this "thing" is you will agree with me that we do, in fact, need clean clothes. 
So after my Turbulent Tuesday I was already on the edge of a break down.  I storm out with my two HUGE bags of heavy laundry and head to the local laundromat that is about a 1 mile walk away.  In Seattle if our washer had broken I would have had my car to go to and from the laundromat with my heavy load.  I also would have had a dozen friends I would have felt comfortable asking to borrow their washing machine.  But not here.   So I walk the mile with my heavy bags so completely frustrated the entire time.  I make it to the laundromat and it turns out it isn't really a laundromat but a dry cleaner which happens to have a machine or two in the back of the store.  BUT... those machines are currently broken.
OK, this was the final straw.  I loose it in front of the "laundromat" that isn't actually a laundromat.  I'm half frustrated that I can't just freaking FINISH something and half frustrated that I have to now carry these heavy bags back home.  At least if I had washed the one wet load it would be lighter from not being soaking wet. 
But, I pull it together and slowly head home defeated by it all.
The day didn't really get better.  Our "thing" begins the next day at 8:30 AM at a location that is about an hour away by transport from our house... so, actually it kind of starts at 7:30.   Oh, I did ask a neighbor and new friend to borrow her washer and dryer and sort through the clothes choosing only the most important ones which make it into the two loads of laundry I am able to finish that day.  Mind you, washing machines are like kitchens here so that means about 2 half loads of what I could have done in Seattle.

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