Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Seven and a Half

Benjamin's half birthday was yesterday, Monday, October 23rd.  He is now officially closer to 8 than 7.  Crazy how quickly time passes.
He requested Indian Food for his half birthday (no surprise) and so we all hopped on a bus- we actually ran and nearly missed the bus and then hopped on it.  Running and nearly missing the bus seems to be our thing.  Actually, side note, when we were doing the House Hunters International filming one of the scenes was at the S-bahn station.  We all got up to the platform and the producer and camera guy were discussing the shoot and a train came and we all got really antsy.  When a train comes you get on it, you don't stand around and talk about your video shoot!! So, anyway, we all pile on the bus and made the connection with one minute to spare.  We felt so successful.
Benjamin and Josie are into ordering for themselves.  Benjamin clearly said "kleine Coke" (small coke) but somehow they brought him a grosse coke (big coke)  he claimed it was his half birthday treat.   He devoured the chicken Tikka Masala as he always does and even Josie enjoyed it!
He has adjusted very well to school and life here. He is, without a doubt, my more difficult child.  He is opinionated and strong willed. Transitions have always been hard for him but Marty and I both talk about how easily and quite happily he goes to school each day.  He has made a few solid friends and asks for play dates often.  Now that the HHI is over we have time.  The boy he likes to dig in the sand with is coming over on Friday.  Yay! And I met his mom at the fun run and really liked her.  I really love it when my kids become friends with kids who have cool moms.  Bonus!
This is the note that came home with Benjamin
a few weeks ago requesting we set up a time to play
with his friend "that digs in the sand with me"
On Wednesdays and Fridays he has Sport (P.E.) first thing in the morning.  So we drop him off and he goes into his classroom and drops off his backpack and picks up his Sport clothes and then heads right past us again with all of his little buddies. 
Benjamin and his buddies heading to Sport
 He really is happy here (or at least it seems) which makes me quite happy.  He says the number one thing he misses from Seattle is his best buddy Callum.  The two have skyped and xbox Minecrafted together but I think he hasn't found another friend quite like Callum.
Here's to another 6 months of being seven.... We love you Benjamin Fritz!!
Also, Oma sent Benjamin his own letter (most of the mail is for Josie, especially since she just had a birthday) so he was quite thrilled to get his very own letter in the mail. He read it aloud (proudly) to me.  Thank you, Oma!!

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